Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mysterious Large-Scale Landscaping Project

For those of you who have visited our retail nursery and garden center in the past month or so, you may have noticed some remarkable changes occurring in our landscape. With all of the landscaping projects we have been completing for our customers, we thought we might work on a few of our own.

Because we are situated above a small rise, our beautiful bedding plants are really not visible from the road. To draw attention to our presence, we decided to create a dramatic display that will cause passersby to do a double (if not triple!) take.

Step one was to terrace the front lawn. Using large, geometric boulders, most of which are approximately three feet long and 14-18 inches wide and tall, we created three distinct arcs at graduating heights leading up the front lawn. Placed two blocks high, each level is clearly visible from the road below. Two sets of stone steps lead up to the top course, the site of our next step.

Step two was to begin construction on a rustic pergola. With rough-cut locust trees serving as its frame, the pergola was originally envisioned to support a number of large flowering vines, such as wisteria. This would be a dramatic focal point from the road, as well as an excellent site for special occasion photo opportunities, once the flowers planted around the structure and on the lower levels have filled in. The entire garden structure was to be gabled and measure about 34 feet long and 16 feet wide, with a wall height of 9 feet and the peak being around 12-13 feet. This is not a small pergola!

Step two-a: Since we are still in the early stages of this aspect of the project, we are allowing it to evolve in a slightly different direction than we first envisioned. One change is that we are considering modifying the roof from being an open log frame, whose purpose is to support vines, to being closed in, perhaps with a thatched roof. This would allow the structure to become much more functional, whether as a retail display or as a sheltered site for events. We are also changing the design to include unique, artistic panels of patterned boughs and twigs on the back wall. These will be visible from the front through wider and much more simplistic openings.
The long-range plan is that once it is completed and the surrounding property is thoroughly landscaped, we will be more than happy to accomodate your wedding or special event.

Look for pictures in upcoming posts as this project continues to take shape!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mid-Summer Landscaping & Greene County Youth Fair

With the summer temperatures and local humidity reaching an unusually unbearable height for most homeowners, many residents of Greene, Albany, and Schoharie counties have reached out to us this year for their landscaping and home beautification projects.

From formal foundation plantings to naturalized bird and butterfly gardens, rock gardens, perennial beds, stone patios, water gardens, rustic pergolas and other garden structures, we offer a full range of gardening, landscaping, and hardscaping options. Unlike most commercial landscaping services in our area, we do not offer a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we work closely with individual home and business owners to understand their needs and help them to realize the garden spaces of their dreams.

While we have always offered landscape design, we are still working to spread the word about our installation and maintenance services. Thus, we were thrilled by the invitation to participate in the 2008 Greene County Youth Fair, where we will be installing temporary floral and landscaping displays for the duration of the fair and offering further information at our booth beneath the main tent.

To request a free consultation, or for more information about our garden services, nursery and greenhouses, seasonal fresh produce, or year-round gift shop, please contact us at:

(518) 966-8470 or

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Planting Frenzy

While I've never been able to wait longer than May 15th to plant annuals and vegetables, many of our customers traditionally hold off until after Memorial Day, which falls particularly early this year. At Mosswood Gardens, this means a flurry of activity, as eager gardeners vie for specialty annuals.

This weekend, our customers can expect to find a huge selection of our unique hand-combined designer hanging baskets--never planted by using a "formula" and all at the same low price. Our annual staging area is overflowing with specialty annuals, including angelonia, diascia, persian shield, iresine, nemesia, double petunias, and much, much more, as well as conventional annuals in packs of 6 and trays of 48.

Our 12 varieties of tomatoes (red, orange, yellow, heirloom, cherry, and more!) are only the beginning of our enormous selection of vegetable and herb plants, which we are pleased to offer along with expert planting tips.

Since our opening day in 2006, our collection of perennials has tripled, both in quantity and variety. Savvy gardeners are delighted at the maturity of our ornamental bedding plants, knowing that they'll soon be enjoying the benefits of an affordable "instant" landscape, while connoisseurs are thrilled by the large number of rare cultivars and hard to find specimens.

Given the tremendous number of gardeners we've seen on this weekend in the past, I would recommend stopping by early for the best selection, although we'll also be open all day on Memorial Day itself.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mosswood Gardens celebrates Earth Day by helping Cub Scouts earn merit badge

Mosswood Gardens takes great pride in supporting environmental awareness and ecologically sound growing practices year-round. Thus, when local Cub Scout leaders asked us to work with their scouts on Earth Day, we were more than happy to help.

After discussing the variety of ways in which plants can be propagated, learning the difference between annuals and perennials, and reviewing the various purposes for which plants are grown, the two groups of mostly boys were shown the steps and tools used by commercial growers to bring their plants from seed to sale. By the end of the visit, each scout had successfully transplanted annual plugs to their retail-ready packs. In honor of Earth Day, each child received a potted specialty annual with detailed care instructions.

April's unsually warm weather not only allowed our young visitors to work outside, but has also caused many perennials to break bud early. For eager gardeners, this is great news, as they get a jumpstart on the growing season. With moderate night time temperatures, even most annuals can be safely planted weeks earlier than usual. Nevertheless, between now and Memorial Day, keep a close eye on the weather, and protect tender plants by covering them or bringing them inside when frost is in the forecast. Additionally, while the sunny forecast is a welcome relief after a long winter, the lack of rain means that gardeners must keep a watchful eye on new plantings, checking them often for dryness and hand-watering as needed.

* * * Due to the current dry weather conditions, please refrain from starting any controlled or outdoor fires at this time * * *

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Growth at Mosswood Gardens

Despite the unexpected snow that is still falling, Mosswood Gardens is bursting with new growth. Greenhouses #1 and #2 filled to the brim with choice perennials, herbs, and a luscious assortment of annuals that are already beginning to bloom; our gorgeous and unique dish gardens will be making an appearance at the Cairo-Durham high school in support of the junior class fundraiser; our handcrafted faerie habitats have excited national interest; and, most exciting of all, greenhouse #3 will be arriving today to accomodate our stepped-up production in response to our acceptance into the Kingston Farmer's Market!

For the time being, greenhouse #3 will serve as a cold frame to house younger perennials and half-hardy annuals. In the future, it will also function as an unheated germination chamber. Seed flats will be warmed from below by heat mats and protected from cool nighttime temperatures by globed covers. To preserve the natural aesthetics of our location, this greenhouse will be placed to the left of our other two greenhouses, leaving the graded area to the right available for our impressive display of annuals from the spring through the fall, surrounded as it is with trees and the trill of birds.

Curious? Stop by on April 4-6 or April 11-13 for a look, and save 15% on everything in our gift shop in our two-weekend-only spring sale!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Unexpected Stress in the Greenhouse Industry

Owning a nursery is usually one of the most rewarding experiences I can imagine. I would not hesitate to recommend this profession to anyone who seeks true quality of life, as being around growing things for the better part of each day is truly a zen-like experience. Nevertheless, just as in any business, there are unexpected moments of intense anxiety that can arise, and about which the would be nursery owner should be aware.

Apart from the constant battle against the ravages of pests and diseases that can quickly decimate a whole season's earnings is the fear of loss of heat. Successful growing depends on careful monitoring of the temperatures within your greenhouses. Not only do some plants require highly consistent temperatures, which are usually regulated by thermostats, but nearly all of the plants grown in a commercial greenhouse, particularly during germination, are tender enough to sustain heavy damage or be lost entirely if the temperature drops below 55 degrees. Should the thermostat fail or a fuel delivery be delayed, this can happen very rapidly, especially if this occurs during the middle of a frigid winter night (note: do not rely on automatic delivery schedules for your greenhouse fuel; instead, keep an eye on your fuel levels and contact your provider immediately if you consume fuel more rapidly than their schedule predicts). Therefore, most serious growers possess remote alarms that monitor the temperature within the greenhouse and deliver a sharp alert to the sleeping owner should it drop dramatically. More than one nursery owner has consequently spent a sleepless night of anxious vigilance out in the greenhouse, armed with a slew of space heaters.

One of the greatest stresses for the typical grower can involve crop failure. When seeds fail to germinate, or a provider of live plant material such as cuttings or plugs fails to deliver, a real problem arises, particularly in the case of plants that are in high demand or that have been specially ordered by request. Assuming the seed for a lost crop is even still available by the time the failed germination is confirmed (which is often not the case), some seed companies can take several weeks to ship your order. By the time the seed arrives, there may not be enough time left in the season to grow the plant in time for its demand. The same is true when an expected shipment of live plants is not forthcoming or arrives damaged. Unfortunately, while these orders must typically be placed at least six months in advance of the expected delivery date, the provider may not feel compelled to provide any advance notice of failure in return, and the nursery owner may not discover the loss until the shipment is actually received. Because of the lead time required to fill such orders and the heavy demand at the time of year the issue arises, the lost plants may be impossible to replace at a later date.

The proper watering of nursery stock can also be a source of stress, although many owners actually find the process, which can consume all day, every day, to be relaxing. Growing beautiful plants depends on even watering. Should a drought or long period of heavy rains occur, outdoor plants may wither or rot. The same is true where an improperly trained employee is set to the task of watering, as it involves far more than simply waving a sprinkling hose back and forth over pots or trays. Each variety has its own particular moisture needs. Some, such as succulents, should not be watered until they are completely dry. Others, such as ligularia, should never be allowed to dry out completely. Geraniums flower heads will be quickly destroyed when wet, and asters will be far more prone to powdery mildew when the leaves are wet. Where plants are grown under cover and watered with dripline irrigation, soaker hoses, or other automated systems, many of these problems can be avoided, although this may not be practical or possible for the smaller grower.

While temperature control, crop failure, and watering issues are some of the most common concerns of the typical nursery owner, they are far from the only ones (the effect of the economy could well be the subject of many lengthy articles to come). Nevertheless, most small nursery owners will tell you that they continue to grow not because they expect to get rich, but for the love of the process. I, for one, can think of nothing more enjoyable than to see the first tiny sprouts break through the walls of the seeds in which they are imprisoned, spreading their new leaves eagerly to bask in the warmth of the sun.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Plant propagation and the law

We at Mosswood Gardens grow all of our own plants. This is not to say that every one of them is started from seed, as this is not always the easiest or most expeditious place to start. In many cases, growing from seed may not even be an option, as many of the beautifully colored and disease-resistant strains of plants such as geraniums or chrysanthemums are only available to us as cuttings.

Propagation, or the creation of new plants from an original plant, can be accomplished in a number of different ways. The most common methods used by the average home gardener are division or by sowing seeds. Seeds may be collected from many plants from their flower heads, after they have bloomed, or in the form of pods or berries.

Another method is to plant bulbs, tubers, rhizomes, or corms, which are treated similarly but are not the same thing (the difference between these terms will be the subject of a different article). These underground growths store the food the plant will need in order to grow in successive years. As the plant matures, the storage tanks begin to produce smaller offshoots that may be divided or separated from the parent and planted intheir own right. In the case of flowers like tulips or daylilies, such separation is essential to prevent overcrowding and ensure continued future blooms.

When it comes to plants with woodier stems, propagation is usually achieved by taking cuttings. In this method, a short section of an actively growing portion of the plant is cut from the parent, usually at a diagonal to create the maximum rooting surface area, after which it is treated with a rooting hormone and placed in a rooting medium such as moist sand (more on cuttings in a future article).

Another propagation technique is called layering. This may be accomplished in one of two ways. The traditional method is to stake down branches, vines, or canes, so that they are partially covered with soil at a distance from the parent plant. Over time, they will begin to produce their own roots, at which point they may be severed from the parent and planted independently. An alternative method, called air layering, is to cut partially through a branch, vine, cane, or stem, apply a rooting hormone, and then affixing a plastic bag containing a rooting medium over the cut.

Regardless of how a plant is propagated, home gardeners (and especially nurseries and garden centers) who do not first do a little research into the original plant may be inadvertently breaking the law. Many of the fabulous new colors and strains of plants that have been developed and brought to the market are patented and their propagation by any technique is prohibited without a specific license. Nurseries who seek to offer these plants must pay royalty fees, most often on purchased rooted or unrooted cuttings that they intend to grow on for the consumer. These fees go to support the vast amounts of time and painstaking research that went into the development of the new plant variety, so that scientists and growers may continue in their efforts to introduce exciting new strains for growers, producers, and home gardeners.

While it is unlikely that the typical home gardener will be visited by the "patent police," it is ultimately in their best interest to avoid propagating patented plants, which undermines the work that goes into plant research and can compromise the market. In the case of seed, efforts to propagate patented plants may even be an exercise in frustrating and time-consuming futility, as some of these plants are bred to have sterile seed. Even where the seed is not sterile, the offspring of the parent plant frequently bears little, if any, resemblance to the parent.

Thus, despite the somewhat hefty price tag even for us, just as we are dedicated to promoting fair trade in our gift shop, we at Mosswood Gardens are proud to showcase the most beautiful and improved varieties of plants available, and encourage our customers to support the work of plant developers so that we may continue to bring you the most luscious new plants on the market.

Monday, March 3, 2008

In like a lion!

The first day of March came in with a traditional roar at Mosswood Gardens. Nevertheless, we were open for business, to the delight of one of our most loyal customers, who was searching for a unique gift. In addition to the lovely books of photography that she found, she also treated herself to a whimsical hand-beaded dragonfly necklace.

At market, our customized dish gardens, pairing unusual found and re-purposed containers with assorted cacti, succulents, and tropical foliage (along with the occasional miniature rabbit, frog, or hedgehog!) were a success as usual, and we look forward to increasing the exposure of our gardens in the coming seasons.

With spring on the horizon, seeding continues at a furious pace. This year we started such fast-growing crops as basil (as well as other herbs) unusually early. While they will be ready to harvest before the danger of frost is safely past, we intend to offer potted herbs at early markets for those who simply can't wait to begin to enjoy fresh green sprigs that herald the arrival of summer bounty. These herbs may be safely kept in a sunny kitchen window for the time-being as a reminder of warmer days to come.

After Memorial Day (at the latest, in most areas), your potted herbs may transplanted outdoors, assuming they have not been razed by then by an over-enthusiastic chef like myself. If that is indeed the case, our customers are in luck, as we will be re-seeding many of our herbs in regular two-week intervals throughout the early part of the growing season. Whether purchased once or repeatedly, our potted herbs are in inexpensive indulgence with a return that is a bargain at any price.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The First Day of Spring!

Yesterday was officially the first day of spring at Mosswood Gardens!

Greenhouse #1 was fired up to a toasty 70 degrees, and with the sun shining, the temperature soared up into the 80's.

After dividing and potting up our new collection of houseplants and tropical foliage, we finally began seeding, an activity that always puts me into a bright and cheerful mood as I daydream about the finished product. First to be seeded was herbs, including four varieties of basil (our first batch), cilantro (coriander), thyme, marjoram, rosemary, curly and flat-leaf (italian) parsley, sage, chives, dill, oregano, and summer savory. We also seeded 21 different colors of petunias, and there are many more to come!

Today, the seeding continues, beginning with snapdragons, which were assisted with pre-chilling, cacti and assorted succulents, vinca, verbena, salvia, dusty miller, datura, impatiens, gazanias, lobelia, and a large number of perennials, to be nurtured to maturity and added to our extensive list of offerings (see for a partial list).

Check back often for updated reports as we march on through our rigorous seeding schedule!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Winter Foraging

Although today was much cooler than yesterday, and occasional light flurries skidded through on quick bursts of cold air, it was clear and bright for the most part, and there was no accumulation.

One of the best features of this time of year is that it provides an opportunity to venture into areas that may be inaccessible at other times. Bare and brittle branches give way more easily as you traipse through the scrub, and visibility is dramatically improved. With the ground still frozen and wetland growth matted down, normally marshy areas may be easily traversed. While I still urge the intrepid forager to exercise prudence and caution (pond surfaces, for example, are clearly off limits!), such conditions are wonderful for ransacking some of the spoils of winter. In fact, now is the time to plan ahead for some of the dried arrangements or whimsical elements you may wish to incorporate into your indoor and outdoor botanical decor in the future. Dried pods and fungi that were beyond your reach in autumn may still be found clinging to many plants. Plump green buttons of moss are still thriving. Pine cones still litter the ground. Best of all, there are bird's nests to be had!

With the breeding season long over, now is the perfect time to hunt for abandoned nests in shrubs and small trees. Such nests can later be used throughout the landscape for interesting effect, whether tucked into a planter, nestled amidst a perennial grouping, or placed in a decorative birdhouse. Just remember to wash your hand after handling.

Incorporating a disused bird's nest is a wonderful way to add rustic beauty and a natural element in any setting. Besides, by spending an afternoon in their pursuit, you will not only be getting fresh air and exercise, you will also learn just a bit more about the favorite haunts of birds, information that may be useful in spring when it comes to planning a bird-friendly landscape. Who knows? You might even find a new resident this spring!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Resisting the urge to jump into spring

Today was a glorious spring-like day. Although a somewhat cool wind was blowing and the sun was intermittantly obscured by clouds, bright patches and stretches of blue sky burst through regularly, and the sun beat down warmly. Even the slick layer of snow that has frosted our yards has vanished since yesterday evening. With temperatures exceeding the low 60s, I was not surprised to spy a few errant insects who had roused themselves from their winter slumber to buzz by drowsily.

For those who have spent the better part of the winter trapped indoors, days like this (particularly as it comes at the end of what has been a three-day weekend for many people) can lead to an overwhelming urge to be in the garden and get a jump on spring clean-ups.

Although the beginning (or overzealous) gardener might surmise that getting a headstart on clearing the beds of dead leaves, dried stalks, wind-barren seed pods, pine needles, and other winter detritus is a sensible (not to mention enjoyable) way to spend a day like this, I would strongly caution you to resist such well-intentioned efforts.

Winter thaws, even as brief as this one, have a tendency to stir some plants from dormancy. You may have noticed, for example, that some of your spring-flowering bulbs, most notably daffodils, have begun to poke up through the ground, as a result of slightly milder temperatures (although, as a side note, this sometimes occurs as the result of a period of milder temperatures that may have stimulated slight growth all the way back in late fall). Nevertheless, such stirrings are not a sign that is is safe to uncover your plants from the protective covering of store-bought mulch or a thick mat of leaves.

As those of us know who have lived our entire lives in the northeast, the danger of bitter cold temperatures and damaging storms is still far from being over. If the mercury does fall or a heavy ice storm does occur, plants that lack protection will be extremely vulnerable and may not survive. Thus, not only do I caution our customers not to uncover their plants, but I also recommend that they still refrain from removing last year's dead growth, as even this can add a bit of protection to your favorite perennials. Additionally, as I've written before, much of this growth adds winter interest should your property be again buried beneath a snowy blanket. I, for one, prefer to see the ghosts of seasons past to scanning a flat, uninterrupted landscape. Besides, many of these plants still serve as perches for resident birds (one of my favorite sights in winter is to watch our chickadees swinging happily on the seven foot tall fronds of our ornamental grasses!).

If, despite reading the above, you really must get your hands dirty, I suggest a day of re-potting houseplants. Often neglected, many houseplants will be grateful for a larger container (or division when they have reproduced beyond the accomodation of their pots). Even more important, particularly for those of you who may not fertilize as regularly as you ought to, re-potting provides your plant with fresh and more nutritious soil, for a healthier, happier plant that will often reward you with a sudden growth spurt. Best of all, the typically messy task of re-potting offers you the perfect excuse to enjoy the weather by working on a surface outdoors. Just be sure to bring your plants inside before the temperatures fall below 55 degrees and never water them in with frigid water from an outdoor tap (indoor room temperature is best).

Happy President's Day!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Birthday

Today is my (Heidi Stroh of Mosswood Gardens) birthday, and my Valentine's Day flowers are open and even more stunning!

Temperatures are still extremely cold, but it is sunny and bright, and the sky is a lovely, clear blue--exactly the shade you will see above the clouds when you are embarking on a much-needed aerial journey to the tropics at this time of year! My mother always insisted that my birthday marks the coming of spring, but here at Mosswood Gardens we celebrate spring in early April with a luscious rainbow of pansies and violas.
For now, given the cold we are still experiencing, I think Hermes the Mosswood cat had the right idea for most of the day yesterday!

Although winter is still far from over, the days are definitely getting longer and it is just about time for our seeding to get under way in full force. Transplanting will follow shortly after, and our busiest season will be upon us in no time.
In the meantime, unlike most other businesses in our area, which close for the winter, our gift shop is open on the weekends through April, when we will again maintain regular weekday hours. Even so, although we are a bit off the beaten path and this is a relatively quiet time of year, we are still constantly seeing new faces. Almost invariably (and today was no exception) newcomers are delighted by what they find. The most frequent comments when looking about are, "that's different!" and "how unusual!" as they discover the uniqueness that characterizes our gifts, jewelry, and decor. Upon realizing that we are also a full-scale nursery, their excitement for spring is overwhelming, and we look forward to the day they return to see Mosswood Gardens in full bloom.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February Chills and Thoughts of the Future

While it's still extremely cold outside and the warm months are still a distant dream, here at Mosswood Gardens we are already anticipating the after-season, selecting the finest of brightly-colored chrysanthemums for our fall displays.

Last season, reds were the most popular, particularly the daisy varieties. While the pom-pom and button types are more traditional, the past few years have seen a surge of experimentation, as gardeners test the limits of hardiness and seek drama. Luckily for them, mum breeders have kept pace with disease and pest-resistant varieties that feature show-stopping colors and flower habits. Of course, in addition to reds, we also offer orange, bronze, lemon, yellow, gold, burgundy, purple, lavender, pink, white, and bi-color varieties that span the season from early to late and flower in forms ranging from button and pom-pom to daisy and spoon.

Although spring has not yet arrived, we are excitedly planning for the entire 2008 growing season. With expanded visibility in a large number of local and regional farm markets, we recommend that our large and loyal local customer base visit us early for the best selection. Visit often for weekly promotions and to secure your favorite items, as we anticipate selling out of many of our finest offerings early in the season. It's not surprising, considering that we offer the healthiest and most mature perennial plant stock in the area, as well as the most dramatic and unusual annual combinations!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Jack Frost Sweeps Through

Last night was ice clear, with a million stars visible and twinkling sharply. It was also extremely windy and an unusual number of planes seemed to have been diverted into a holding pattern over our skies.

This morning the wind has still not relented and the cold is so biting that the cats refuse to set paw outdoors. A thick crystal glaze hazes the uninsulated glass of the storm door.

Although such wind and temperatures can be mortal to many plants, the slight snow cover that recently fell will help to protect them. In general, the heavier the blanket, the better off your plants will be. Often, it is supposedly milder winters that prove fatal.

In areas where temperatures plummet but snowfall is minimum, the best way to protect your plants is to apply a thick layer of mulch at their base in the fall. I usually suggest waiting to do so until after the ground freezes, so that the mulch does not hold too much moisture, which can rot the roots, or become host to pests or disease. I also recommend that you do not cut back your summer flowering perennials until it is time for a spring clean-up. The old vegetation can add additional protection and provide visual interest during the barren winter months.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday at Mosswood Gardens

Although the winter winds are howling, inside our gift shop it is cozy and full of light. We have just added the River Queene line of jewelry to our inventory and are truly excited by the reception it has has had. Inspired by the element of water, in combination with historic and mythological figures of female prominence, this line of jewelry invokes a sense of mystery and longing and is perfect for the romantic or discerning princess in your life. Stop by to see the magic for yourself, as we are the exclusive dealer of this artisan's work.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Beating the winter blues.

Here at Mosswood Gardens, we understand the cabin fever that sets in about this time of year. While temperatures outside will remain cold for months, spring will be arriving in our greenhouses next week, when we begin to plant the first seeds of the season. Although you may not have a home greenhouse, you, too, can look towards the warmer months by planting some seeds of your own.

When planting seeds, be sure to read the package instructions carefully. Many seeds must be pre-treated before they are ready to be planted. Some require refrigeration or freezing for a period of time before they will break dormancy. Others require that the seed itself is "scarred" to penetrate the hard outer shell.

In the northeast, where we are located, now would be a great time to plant pansy seeds or to start many perennials, which can tolerate cool weather. For most other seeds, you may have to wait a bit, depending on how many weeks before the last frost date the package instructions advise. In our area, which is zone 4-5, Memorial Day is usually the day that is picked, although there is rarely frost after May 15th. If you get a late start on planting, you can speed up germination for many varieties by creating a mini-green house, which can be accomplished by creating a tent out of dowels and clear plastic over your planting (provided you have not selected seeds that need cool temperatures to germinate). Once your seedlings have emerged, the tent can be removed to allow them room to grow and adequate air circulation.

Happy planting, and don't forget to look for updates to our photo gallery at: , our catalog at , and our website at throughout the growing season!