Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Planting Frenzy

While I've never been able to wait longer than May 15th to plant annuals and vegetables, many of our customers traditionally hold off until after Memorial Day, which falls particularly early this year. At Mosswood Gardens, this means a flurry of activity, as eager gardeners vie for specialty annuals.

This weekend, our customers can expect to find a huge selection of our unique hand-combined designer hanging baskets--never planted by using a "formula" and all at the same low price. Our annual staging area is overflowing with specialty annuals, including angelonia, diascia, persian shield, iresine, nemesia, double petunias, and much, much more, as well as conventional annuals in packs of 6 and trays of 48.

Our 12 varieties of tomatoes (red, orange, yellow, heirloom, cherry, and more!) are only the beginning of our enormous selection of vegetable and herb plants, which we are pleased to offer along with expert planting tips.

Since our opening day in 2006, our collection of perennials has tripled, both in quantity and variety. Savvy gardeners are delighted at the maturity of our ornamental bedding plants, knowing that they'll soon be enjoying the benefits of an affordable "instant" landscape, while connoisseurs are thrilled by the large number of rare cultivars and hard to find specimens.

Given the tremendous number of gardeners we've seen on this weekend in the past, I would recommend stopping by early for the best selection, although we'll also be open all day on Memorial Day itself.

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